Gary John Bishop, an author of the New York Times bestseller, UN#@%! YOURSELF, has written a masterful tutorial for progression at life. When I first grabbed the read, I was taken aback by the title. I thought it would reveal negative connotations that would cause thoughts of depression. I also loathed in the thoughts that it would reveal deep truths about my life. I was absolutely WRONG!

This creative, page turner has formed as the catalyst of my new journey. In Chapter Two: I Am Willing, Gary gives us a prominent assertion that shows us who we are. Roman philosopher Seneca said, “Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant.” Understanding what we are willing and unwilling to accomplish factors in the success we have at attaining our goals. We want a new job, but we are not willing to leave our current role. We want to save money, but we are not willing to cut our frivolous spending. We want growth in our relationships, but we are not willing to change our toxic patterns.

As I pondered at the simplicity of change, I realized that in order to obtain the success I desired, I must start with the simple. I begin to think about things that I do well, but that I could improve. I am a good father. So I wrote down, “I am willing to be a good father.” Sometimes we have to reinforce the behaviors we are consistent with to begin a pattern of positive behavior. I continued this format in writing seven ideals I am willing to subscribe both consciously and subconsciously. What initially seemed like a challenge, easily turned to a seamless reflection of my willingness to better myself.

We are often compiled with the fear of the unknown. Our mind is startled often by what we fear and have no control over. The challenge that we are famed to accomplish is creating a pattern of success and promise that leads to victory. Take a moment and reflect on your life. Think on the positives that you have accomplished. It could be paying a bill, running a race, or being on time for work. Write down the things you are willing to do. Start your sentence by saying, “I AM WILLING.” Each morning when you awake, read your assertion aloud. The reinforced behavior will implant the positives in your mind. Your accomplishments will increase. Your fear of failure will decrease. What are you willing to do?


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