The Dissertation

“Love” An intense feeling of deep affection. “Marriage” The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship. “Commitment” The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity. “Change” To make someone or something different by alteration or modification.

When she asked the question, “What is the benefit of marriage,” I could only imagine what my subtle answer would be. Masked in failed relationships, both family and friends, “The Dissertation” projects the most simplified answer. YOU!

William Shakespeare defines “true love” as the union of “true minds.” The intense fulfilment of one’s desires to reach above the Universe to capture the heartbeat of the soul of the person you have found more desirable than the reflection in the mirror. Love is the purest form of adoration. From the beginning of time, love has penetrated the Earth through sacrifice of self. The King James Version of the BIBLE says, “For God so loved the World, that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” A true sacrifice of giving the one covenant you cherish to the World as a sacrifice.

Over the years, marriage has found its way further from love and closer to business. Partners have stamped their finances as binding documents to ensure stability. Afraid to risk money for quality time. Distant from affection to build the biggest empire. Choked by credit scores and early retirement, never creating memories of longevity and purpose. The art of the “I Do” has lost its value and standard. Realizing the importance of a union means peace, prosperity, and promise. Raising the standard for those that seek honesty and loyalty. Directing your hearts energy to a sublime utopia of forever.

So, you ask, “What is the benefit of marriage?” Here is your answer…

When I met you, I was broken. Not understanding who I was or where I wanted to be. Not wanting commitment or the oneness of unity. Not planning for a future but regretting my past and the effects it had on my life. Creating blunders and missed opportunities to portray someone that was complete. Living out lies and deceit to gain praise and promise when you deserved honesty and loyalty. I became the worst version of me. On my journey, I realized that who you were was more than what I asked for. Watching me through the night as fought for my life silently. Protecting my peace by asking the simple question, “What do you want?” Growing my mind through realizing that working hard to accomplish my goals I set for myself makes us better together. Everyday, I read the tattoo on my sleeve engraved with your name. Asking God, “What made Him give me a precious gift from the Heavens?” Now I realize the importance of YOU. I understand why you are here. I understand what you mean. I understand where I want to be. You complete me. You make the day better. You allow me to be who I am and correct me to elevate me.

So again, you ask, “What is the benefit of marriage?” Take a deep breath, look in the mirror, and smile. YOU ARE THE BENEFIT!


Chosen Vessel